Increasing Applications for Office Purpose Buildings
foreign and foreign companies are interested in establishing offices. This year the MultiStart Building Committee (MSB) has a large number of applications. There are possibilities that more structures are likely to come from within.
Hyderabad City, (Andhra Pradesh):
From 10 to 15 per month ..
The MultiStart Building Committee (MMSB), comprising HMDA, GHMCC and CDMA officials, will meet each month to review multilateral, commercial, residential and office buildings in various areas. Over the last five consecutive conventions were not applicable for more than five applicants, but they were also applicable to commercial and residential buildings. But since January this year, from January 10 to 15, all applications are coming to the Multistore Building. Most of these are office applications. Only one in July has 10 applications, six of which are related to the Office Purse.
Compared with metro cities
Compared to Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune and Nagpur, the operating cost is low in Hyderabad. Many companies are moving to Hyderabad as a measure of development initiatives in the city outskirts, a peaceful civil service, and the conservation of inadequate law and order. In the past, Chennai city has been demanding a change in the rains, and the Hyderabad office will become the brand of offices, MMSB committee members said.
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